Here are some photos from my Thermomix cooking experiences in the Vorwerk store in Kingston-upon-Thames. I always have a fantastic time when hosting workshops in the store and it’s especially lovely to see everyone after so long not being able to do in-person events.
Attending one of my classes is a great opportunity to try out Thermomix and for my current customers to bring a friend along to show them too.
I host a range of demos – suitable for those who haven’t got a Thermomix yet and want to learn more before buying and also workshops and classes – these are better suited to existing customers who want to bring a friend along who hasn’t got one yet but has seen the basics. The added bonus is that you get to eat it all too!
My next session is 15th September – please email me on if you’d like to find out more about them.
I also have a Thermomix Christmas cooking class in November where we’ll make some Christmas treats.
If you’d like to visit the store, it is situated in the Bentalls Centre in Kingston (on the ground floor), Wood St, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1TP. If you would like to pop into the store for a demo and can’t make a day that I’m in, let me know and I’ll arrange for someone to show you – by booking though me, I can still be your advisor and help you get the most out of your Thermomix.
If you’d like to have a chat about my Vorwerk store classes in Kingston, you can give me a call on 07771 648 111.
My advisor number is 119913
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