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Kels Noades - Thermomix 'Diamond Elite' Advisor

Awarded 'Number 1 Thermomix Advisor' in the UK & Ireland 2022 & 2023

Advisor number 119913 

Kels Noades Thermomix advisor inUk

I love helping people with their Thermomix and getting them inspired with recipes.

How I got my first Thermomix… Years ago my Mum bought a Thermomix (TM31) after seeing one in Spain (they are called Bimby there) and gave us all the Thermomix obsession too. The TM31 (an older model) has been a big part of my cooking since 2005. In August 2017 I upgraded to the TM5 and shortly after, I joined as an advisor.

I cook in my TM6 (newest model – shown in this photo) multiple times a day. I love showing people how it can change their lives – whatever the motivation for seeing it in action – freeing up time in the kitchen, wanting to eat more healthily, needing inspiration or skills to cook – it’s something for everyone.

As your advisor, I remain on hand to help and, unlike buying an appliance in a store, I am your point of contact and I can support you with your Thermomix as much or as little as you’d like.  
I really enjoy staying in touch with my customers and seeing what they make. I also have a very active customer group on WhatsApp where we share recipes and ideas. I host free Thermomix classes on zoom and share these on my closed customer Facebook group too.

I live in Hampshire with my 3 gorgeous and lively children who all use my Thermomix and a fantastic husband who loves what we make in it.  He’s only occasionally allowed access to the TM6 himself!
I really appreciate how busy families can free up time and eat more healthily by cooking in their Thermomix. Getting your kids cooking is another benefit.
Do get in touch if you’d like me to show you how they work.
I have a cooking studio in Southampton, Hampshire, various locations I hold classes including a kitchen showroom in Romsey, venues in Lymington, Fulham, Caterham & Brockenhurst. I’m always interested in new venues, so if you would like me to visit your area, just let me know.

Thermomix Kels and kids

When lock down hit I moved over to Zoom demos and live cooking classes and I absolutely love it.

Often my customers are busy people and doing a zoom demo means they can see lots of recipes in a short space of time. In fact, many of my more local customers still prefer to see a zoom demo or class rather than in person.

At the Thermomix conferences 2023 & 2024 I was awarded the top Advisor in the whole of the UK & Ireland. A massive honour! 
I love helping my clients get the most out of their Thermomix and I really appreciate the lovely relationships we build.

Awards & recognition:

2021 Diamond Plus award
2022 Diamond Elite award (top level available)

2023 January Thermomix conference in Glasgow, Scotland – Awarded the top Team Leader/advisor in the whole of the UK & Ireland for 2022.
2023 Diamond Elite

2024 February Thermomix conference in Cardiff, Wales – Awarded the top advisor in the whole of the UK & Ireland for 2023.

March 2024 flown to Athens as one of the Top Ten World Wide Thermomix Advisors to launch Thermomix in Greece

I was over the moon to receive such an amazing award – I never thought I’d be named the top Thermomix Advisor/Team Leader in the whole UK & Ireland and it’s thanks to all my fab customers that it happened!

I help people all over the World with their Thermomix which is pretty awesome (I can only sell to the UK & Ireland but I still have people I help overseas, especially Barbados). 

If you would like to see how thermomix might help you –  please get in touch by call/text: 07771 648 111 or by email I have lots of incentives & offers that aren’t available online, only through advisors like me and each month these change.

Kels winning Number 1 Advisor 2022 with Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, Speaker of Vorwerk International Executive Board & Jan Peths General Manager of Vorwerk UK

If you would like to become an advisor and earn your own Thermomix for free, either email or give me a call.  Teams are done by area so if you’re not in my area, I will link you up with a lovely team leader and I can help you get started if you’d like.  It isn’t a multi level marketing company, advisors don’t get a cut of your sales (we get a small introductory bonus depending on whether you sell any) and there is no cost to your starting kit (you pay a deposit for your loan Thermomix which is returned).

If you’d like to get hints and tips from me, please follow my instagram 

Kels Thermomix zoom class
Kels at Thermomix event
Kels Thermomix Marcus wareing chef
Kels Thermomix advisor with James Martin
Making broccoli salad thermomix
Kels Thermomix store

Some photos from a FREE trip I won as a Thermomix advisor