How to buy a Thermomix TM6
So you want to buy a Thermomix TM6 but you’re not sure where you can get one from? Thermomix are sold through independent advisors, like me. If you know how they work and you just want to place an order, please give me a call on 07771 648 111 and I can put through an order for you over the phone (or you can email me on
You can also spread payments (finance/Raty), in which case, I need a few details from you and if there are no issues, you can get your thermomix in a few days.
The spread payments are done through Novuna finance and can be spread over 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. APR is 14.9% (updated 2024).
My advisor number, if you need it, is 119913.
If you’ve heard about them but don’t know what they do, I can organise to do a demo over zoom or I can come and do a cooking experience for you in person (depending on location).
Virtual demos – which is what has started happening since lock down are really good, last around 30-40 minutes and I can show you more recipes than in person (because you’re not waiting for cooking time) and you can invite friends from all over the country!
In person demos take around 90 minutes and are best if inviting a few friends, as you then eat the food we make together.
Once you receive your machine, I will then do a virtual or in-person welcome demo for you and I remain your advisor on-going.
Buying through an advisor means you get a 5 star service – when you have a question, you can just message or call me and I’ll help you. I send hints and tips plus recipe suggestions in my newsletters too – you can join these even if you haven’t bought a Thermomix through me.
I love everything Thermomix and I love hearing about my customers’ creations. I have a private facebook group and WhatsApp group which is only available for my customers (those who have bought their Thermomix through me).
I’ve owned a Thermomix since 2005 and I love them. I hope I can get you as enthused about them as me!
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