Frequently asked questions – Thermomix
Frequently asked questions before buying your Thermomix
Here are a few questions that I get asked about Thermomix, I’ll keep adding to them as I think of more…
Why can’t I buy online?
We are a direct sales business and by having an advisor (like me) you can get help and support if you would like it. As a result, you can’t buy TM6 online – just through advisors/consultants like me. All advisors can sell all over the UK & Ireland but we are all attached to a local branch.
How to buy a Thermomix?
Just give me a call (I’m Kels) on 07771 648 111 or email me at and I can arrange everything for you, including a run through of how it all works. Click on the ‘Buy’ tab above. You can’t buy Thermomix in shops like Currys, Argos or John Lewis and they aren’t sold online on Amazon (if you see them there, it’s likely to be dodgy)
How much is a Thermomix TM6?
They are £1279 and Thermomix never discount.
Does Thermomix ever go on sale?
No Thermomix is never discounted. Vorwerk (who make Thermomix) sometimes do offers and extras but they never discount. You don’t need to worry that there may be a Black Friday or January sale discount on the actual Thermomix.
Can I pay monthly for Thermomix?
Yes you can pay on finance, we currently use the finance company, Novuna. Give me a call or send me a message and I can take you through the options. There are 12/24 month spread payment options on our finance.
Can you send one to me abroad?
I’m afraid all UK & Ireland advisors can only sell in the UK & Ireland (including Channel Islands) we can’t arrange to ship abroad but if you’ve got a UK family member – you could ship to them? Do remember that your warranty will be a UK one though.
Can I buy one with cash?
I can’t take cash for a Thermomix but you can pay by card, we no longer take bank transfer.
Why do I have to have a demo? I want to buy as a gift.
You don’t have to have a demo. Thermomix’s business model is to show the customer how Thermomix works before you buy (and it is worth having a demo) but if you’re buying as a gift or you might be buying your second thermomix, that’s fine, you can just buy. I often do a run though over zoom once the Thermomix has arrived with the lucky person. Even if they know what they do and how Thermomix works, it’s worth a zoom run through. I find my customers learn a lot on my ‘new customer sessions’ – also known as a ‘welcome visit’.
I don’t want to have someone round my house but I like the idea of a demo.
That’s fine, most of my demos – both pre-sale and after – are on zoom and you don’t even have to leave the house! I also run zoom cooking classes for some extra inspiration. I do some in person too.
Do I have to pay a subscription to Cookidoo ?
Cookidoo is the online recipe platform where you’ll see thousands of Thermomix recipes. You get 3 months free with your Thermomix and after that, it’s £50 a year. You don’t have to continue paying the subscription – you can use your thermomix manually but you have 3 months to decide. I personally think it’s worth the subscription.
How long until I get it?
Delivery is currently 3-5 days
What delivery company do you use?
We use DPD
Can I get it delivered on a specific date?
Although I can’t select the date, you can delay delivery through the DPD app/website.
Do chefs use Thermomix?
Yes chefs often use Thermomix for things like sauces, oils, purees, ice cream, chocolate ganache, creme pat and much more.
Which celebrity chefs have them?
Many a celebrity chef is seen with Thermomix, to name a few: Antonio Bachour, James Martin, Heston Blumental, Rachel Allan, Mark Greenway, Tom Aitkins, Shiver Moutar.
Can I get one for free?
Actually yes! You can become an advisor and earn one for free with 4 sales over 90 days. Click on the tab above that says become advisor to find out more.
Can you save money by having a Thermomix?
Yes definitely, you can cook from scratch items that you have been buying ready-made or make a fake-away instead of buying a take-away. Some of the items you could make instead of buy and save money… nut milks and oat milk, nut butters, pasta sauce, curry, cocktails, butter, artisan style bread even grating parmesan (it’s much cheaper to buy parmesan in a block and grate yourself).
Where is Thermomix made? Thermomix is made by Vorwerk who are a German company and have factories in France and Germany
Is there a Thermomix TM7 coming out soon? Thermomix keeps improving the TM6 with new functions and they are creating new accessories (the Sensor launched 6th November 2023) and on 7th November 2023 our top boss Thomas Stoffmehl put out a statement saying that there won’t be a new Thermomix in 2024. Here’s the link to his video So 2025 is the earliest we could get a TM7, with the TM6 I was told 3 months before and I was able to give my customers the choice of the TM5 or TM6, I imagine the same formula will be followed to allow people to pre-order or to go ahead an get the TM6 (which is amazing!)
Update: We still have no news on a Thermomix TM7 or any new model (January 2025)
Questions after buying your Thermomix
Can it all go in the dishwasher?
Yes everything other than the main white base can be washed in a dishwasher. You need to take your bowl apart (I tend not to put the plastic base that doesn’t ouch food in as it doesn’t get dirty) and even the metal pins can be washed in the dishwasher – just make sure they are fully dry before going back on.
Can I use my TM5 bowl on a TM6?
No you can’t interchange the bowls but a Thermomix friend works with either TM6 or TM5 bowls.
Why can’t I see all the recipes on cookidoo?
Check your filters – make sure you don’t have a country selected – if you’re my customer, ask me to send you my video I made explaining what to do.
There’s so much choice on cookidoo – I don’t know where to start!
If you’re my customer, I will have sent you a list of some of my suggested and favourite recipes – why not start there?
If you haven’t had a new customer zoom with me, get in contact to book in.
If I introduce a friend who buys, can I get commission?
You can only get commission if you are an advisor (you might want to have a chat with me about joining?) but I will give you a thank you gift if you refer a friend to me who buys. I really appreciate everyone’s help in growing my small business and I hope you enjoy my support with your Thermomix!

What does the Thermomix actually do?
Why not have a quick watch of my video below that will tell you a bit more about what you can use your Thermomix TM6 for…
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